
Showing posts from September, 2019

I LOVE families!

I'm so excited to be spending the majority of this semester studying the family! My current major is Marriage and Family Studies here at BYU-Idaho, so I'm in 3 different classes that explore that. I'll be transferring to UVU this coming January to study Behavioral Science! I have a very simple testimony that the family is ordained of God, and that marriage between a man and a woman (plus their cute kids) carries out our Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness for us: to learn, grow, progress, experience joy and love, and return Home to Him. I look forward to sharing what I learn in my Family Relations class with you, in addition to my own experiences with three crazy older siblings and two super fun parents. My greatest hope is to inspire just one person. If God can help me reach someone, I will have done my job. Who am I hoping to connect with?   Anyone who feels let down that their family doesn't fit the "cookie-cutter" mold.